
Why is this a stalemate?


I moved my second queen to f4 from f6 while their king was at h3. Why was this game called a draw? I clearly won. Any move he makes next I would capture their king.

But you didn’t threaten to take the king
You literally explained what stalemate is,
But you missed the part where you were supposed to threaten the king

Where is the check in that position? There isn't one. Ok so white should make a move? He can't because there isn't a single legal move for him on the board. No check and no legal moves while on the move = stalemate.

Q6f3# instead and you would have won because of checkmate.


bruh are serious...... YOU CANT CAPTURE KINGS YOU CAN ONLY THREATEN THEM what do you mean capture??????

speedx77 wrote:

Why was this game called a draw?

The answer is that you don't know what "stalemate" is. You should look it up, it's absolutely essential.


A stalemate often occurs in negotiations or conflicts when both parties are unable to reach an agreement, typically due to irreconcilable differences or a lack of willingness to compromise. Factors contributing to a stalemate include entrenched positions, lack of trust, and external pressures that reinforce the status quo. This situation can hinder progress and lead to frustration, as both sides remain at an impasse. The resolution may require third-party mediation or a change in circumstances to break the deadlock and foster dialogue .