
Why is this excellent?



Hmm. It would help if you had posted the entire game.

You were already winning the game. I see that you were up a piece and a pawn.

"Excellent" is a defined term when the computer uses it. It means it was not the "best" and that it slightly worsened your winning chances compared to the "best" move. doesn't use a simple material evaluation to decide if a move is good or bad. It looks at how moves affect your overall winning chances. For a better explanation of the expected points model, see:

But, to keep things simple, I see that other than the knight, nothing of yours was hanging. The knight to a5 move does attack the queen, which seems to have no retreat that seems like a pretty good thing to do. It looks like taking your rook on a8 might have been his best alternative.

On the other hand, maybe there were better alternatives for you which is what the big green arrow is attempting to show you. Perhaps Nd4 threatened Nxc2+ or Nf3+ bothering the king and threatening checkmate...

The move evaluations are done at high speed with limited computer resources being used. You may find out that your move was indeed the best if you do a longer engine evaluation.

Here is the game.

I had a lot of mouse slips that game, thanks for explaining tho


Also, i use stockfish 16.1 at unlimited depth.


I’d have played …Na5 as well as it wins the queen, you’re already a piece up and as such securing the Q as well means the game will now win itself. No further thought needed…Nb4 obviously wins as well (there’s no plausible move that isn’t completely winning) but seems like this particular moment is not going to be the most relevant in your chess improvement.


Stock fish 16?

Kenjiepedrita wrote:

Stock fish 16?

Yes, 16.1