
Why is this my best move?


I save my knight, but I lose my queen. I know that this will happen (there are no pins that I didn't see) because when I played this move my queen was taken. If I simply didn't move my knight, I wouldn't have lost my queen. (The knight did not take anything threatning the queen).


If you do not do that, i guess black gets an attack. Also, the account u played against was closed for fair play, so u should get a rating refund.


Wait so I'm actually right here? That's shocking. I've mostly done this to ask why I'm wrong lol.


I get that sometimes it takes the analysis a moment. Come back tomorrow and this will probably be correctly labeled a blunder. But calling it the best move is absurd. I think Stockfish is drunk 💀


The engine actually says that you are dead in any case.

Queen for a piece is much worse material wise, but the engine takes into factor that after the pawn takes the piece, if you take the pawn back with your pawn, king is open and that will probably force some more material loss down the line, or checkmate. If you play g3, black has a very strong pawn that is agonizingly close to your king.

The engine actually evaluates that moving the knight and losing the queen for his bishop or losing the knight is basically equal if you try some other move. All is evaluated like around -4.5.
Basically white is losing either way, and for the engine, both are equally losing.

To be fair, in human terms white should lose the knight and pray to induce blunder back during the game.

Fr3nchToastCrunch wrote:

I get that sometimes it takes the analysis a moment. Come back tomorrow and this will probably be correctly labeled a blunder. But calling it the best move is absurd. I think Stockfish is drunk 💀

First of all, it is not drunk. Piece down is already completely lost, and here it is even more dire because of the position - either open king, if white takes the pawn or strong pawn, and some weaknesses around the king. When you are already completely lost, more material loss is objectively not as important.

It sees further down the line and evaluate basically many moves equally around -4.5.
Nevertheless, I would not play the knight move because realistically white has more chances that way.

txc2004 wrote:
nklristic wrote:

If you play g6, black has a very strong pawn


Of course must take care, but no need always someone afraid pawns like that, can also used as shield for the king. If the white not losing already, the king it very safe even with that black pawn on f3. It block the position make useless the black bishop and with the two connected rook is absolute safe from any back rank mate.

Just look how difficult it is for white:

Check some alternatives, one with g3 is included. Basically, black will have a really strong attack, something will be bad at some point.

By the way Qb5 by white, the purpose , at least one of the purposes is to not allow Qd7 and Qh3. But he will still have the knight in the attack and Qc8 with the same idea.

Sure, as I've said, white shouldn't give up his queen, because black still has to find all the attacking moves, but realistically engine sees all these lines and evaluates that it is basically the same to go down a piece and a queen for a piece because in the other case, the attack is not there so it evaluates all that to -4.5.


As you've said, white is not ok, white is losing because he is a piece down. Plus even in this variation, black has some attack, which is why the engine doesn't show something like -3, but -4.5.

Pawn is on f3 and white has to be careful not to allow mate, plus black knight is great and the only way to remove it is with white's bishop, and white doesn't want to exchange pieces in already lost position.

And there is no need to retreat a bishop like that. Sure, engine has something in mind, but it is more straightforward to play Qc8 with an idea of Qh6 (in my diagram it was Qd2 instead with the same ide, but your variation doesn't allow Qd2, so Qc1 instead).

Qc8, and white has to play a defensive move Qf1 in order to prevent Qh6. If he allows Qh6, and only then play Qf1 to defend mate, the queens get exchanged and that is great for black who is a piece up.

In any case, all this talk is unnecessary, as both are lost. White is choosing either to give a queen for a bishop without an imminent attack, or to be a piece down and defend from an attack.

Engine simply evaluates that this attack plus a piece is equally bad as more material loss but without an attack.

txc2004 wrote:

Really i don't know. Is the water... is the air... is the social... the tv... something not going well...

Must be a mystery then.


Rerouting the queen to h5 would be devastating for white. Look man, stockfish is genius. Don’t argue with it.


Again, the most interesting thing is that the explanation by Game review is complete nonsense. As always.

White desperately gives up the queen in order to not get mated, and's dumb script says "it's time to get out of trouble". This is insane.

Game review should just be shut down. It's beyond awful.


I disagree with Magipi!

I would argue the Game Review is a pure genius.

I always ask my Queen to get me out of trouble. script is very human like if you ask me.