
A little bit for everyone :)


Loved this game... a lot of lessons to learn...


For example... when you see a good move, look for a better one! 

Black was crushed. Well played White. Good display of strong sqaure/weak sqaure play and having a space advantage. Black needs some work on his opening play i think.


My opponent does play a LOT of different openings... I personally would suggest lowering that number (slightly).


You'll have to forgive me for the poor annotations too.. I did my best but I was in a rush and the game was SO tricky. 

After move 12 White was on the road to victory anyway. Black is in a horrible position from here on and its difficult to see if he can make any counterplay at all.  I wouldnt like to play the black side on that one.

Yes... fritz reccomends something along the lines of 11. Bg4 although even then white gets a good game.  My moves matched pretty nicely with fritz at first although it took the exchange instead of going for the kill in the latter half.  I haven't finished analyzing it but I'm almost done... I'll post fritz's analysis after.


edit - nevermind.. not even worth posting the analysis.. it's either wrong (believe it or not!) or way too harsh on both of us...