
A Niffty Ending.


My first game as a greeter had a fun little end.

fun!  What's a greeter?
A greeter is when you play against people who are new to
nice queen sac at the end! I enjoyed the comments too

hi 8dot8

nice game... i was so interested to how you avoided his castle and how you got checkmate, by sacrificing the queen... hope to see u soon! 

FrankNFurter82 wrote:

hi 8dot8

nice game... i was so interested to how you avoided his castle and how you got checkmate, by sacrificing the queen... hope to see u soon! 

 One important thing to remember about castling is that you can only castle as long as it won't put your king in check. If he were to try, my rook was blocking one of the squares he needed to traverse in order to complete the castle.

If he had instead just moved his rook away from my queen I would have moved either my queen or my rook to  rf1, which would have forced him to take it with his rook, then I would have recaptured with which either piece I had not moved to the f1 square ending in mate.

I hope that answered your question :).

8dot8: "If he had instead just moved his rook away from my queen I would have moved either my queen or my rook to  rf1, which would have forced him to take it with his rook"


At move 25 white can play 25. Rd1 to stay away from immediate mate. Your suggestion of 25. ... Rf1 does not force him to capture on f1, he can play 26. Be2 or maybe 26. Qxc6 and win the knight on c7.