A tactical win (Against a 1900+!!! yay me :P)
you mean 20.Bg6 and Qg7 mate... 20.Qe7+ black can take with Nxd7
Very good game!
haha right! I fixed it!
Lol thx.
hey, very good game.
surely castling on that weak side was the mistake, I made that blunder sometimes.
c4 is very playable here... as is it in the french (by the way) ... I don't personally play the french but I was recently anihilated by an international correspondence master in a line where he played c4 with the idea of backing my bishop.
I agree! ya know what though.. 2300's aren't perfect either, I've seen some hideous blunders.. only one of them ever made against me though :(.
I agree! ya know what though.. 2300's aren't perfect either, I've seen some hideous blunders.. only one of them ever made against me though :(.
True.some months ago i saw a 2300(IM) drawing a 1650 on the Lisbon open.
Surely ...c4 in that position is playable. However, when black stops his own central play, and the pawn formation hints at a white kingside attack, he'd better play accordingly. ....f6, the move immediately following ...c4 is a clear mistake in that regard. Black should make sure he is prepaed for this weakening. Although he DOES want to play for it in the future.
Hell, white could have even just castled (8.o-o instead of Bf4), and black would be in serious problem regarding his piece development if he tries to make use of the f6 move immediately: 8...fxe5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.dxe5. How to develop??? 10...Nh6 (thinking the open lines in front of white's king would give a lot of play leads to: 11.Nbd2! (to prevent Kd7 due to Nxc4).
Actualy, white threatens Qh5+ Kd7 Nxc4:).
What's black going to do now? castle?:)
and if not an immediate ...fxe5, then what? f6 is just a premature and unnecessary weakening.
But then, what else? after closing the central play with ...c4, black cannot place his king in danger on the kingside. In many of these positions I've seen the move ...h5 played by many strong players, and I think it is very appropriate here.
following Nh6-f5... White has some problems too. Castling o-o would play into black's hands, but white is sooo far away from queenside castling.
I'd say this is a double edged position.
not quite true, after 15.Qh5 black can play 15. ... Rf5 giving back some material to defend, white keep the upper hand but black its not dead yet. but anyway move 7 from black show that this guy had no idea about the french so did move 8, both sides made mistakes, but in general i think you can learn a lot about this game if you try to analise what you did wrong and how you could have improve your position i.e you could have made a better 9 and 10 move also move 12 have a tactical inconvenient you can look for it if you wish.
anyway congratz and gl.
not quite true, after 15.Qh5 black can play 15. ... Rf5 giving back some material to defend, white keep the upper hand but black its not dead yet.
I have to disagree.
Not dead yet??? I'm pretty sure black is quite dead there:
After 14. ... fxg5 15. Qh5! Rf5, white is by no means obliged to accept lesser material offers and can request to double the stakes:
16.g4, and the only move which seems to not reach an instantly lost position is 16...Be8, but after 17.Qh6, white seems to be easily winning after
17...Bf8 (seems like the only move. gxh looks like even more suicidal to me) 18.Qxe6+ Rf7 19.Bxh7! Kxh7 20.Rxf7 Bxf7 21.Qxf7+
This is just lost for black. no? I mean: 21...Kh8 Rf1 and now, to exchange queens, black will have to give up the d5 pawn as well... Anyone thinks there is a chance to save this as black?:) (I clearly don't).
I see nothing else for black.
So I'd say fxg would indeed have been instantly losing. Very short variations too.