
Am I better at chess than Super GM Hikaru Nakamura?


thanks for the request @13pax i accepted it

13pax wrote:
magipi wrote:

I don't know what the point of the OP is.

The point of the OP is to thoroughly refute the accusation of cheating.

With a forum post? Seriously? How do you think that's cheating detection works? Just some dude who reads forum posts, and if he finds this topic, than everything is OK? This is getting more and more bizarre.

Not to mention that there is nothing to "refute". An opponent wrote something insane in a private chat. So what? If the next opponent trashtalks you, will you write another 1000-page epic novel about that too?



@magipi you know why he did this


if you dont know then stop posting this paragraph


what are you talking about


[ If the next opponent trashtalks you, will you write another 1000-page epic novel about that too?]

@magipi please stop 

the next opponent wont trashtalk him

think positive @magipie dont think negative 

magipi wrote:

How do you think that's cheating detection works?

Those ones and zeroes will never measure up to my literary work, chum. lol

MyRatingIs1523IsBack wrote:

yes, yes you are

A boy can dream. wink


@hkchessking Nothing wrong with a bit of light hearted banter. thumbup


In that first game, black played a sort of Cranius Glutas opening. Normal play for white. Good to be sure, but normal.


I have a higher daily chess rating than Magnus Carlsen!


@JohnnyU I'm not familiar with Cranius Glutas opening. I'll have to look it up. It appeared as though black wanted to avoid the main line of the Pirc Defence and I just followed general opening principles. Thanks for your insight.

Kyobir wrote:

I have a higher daily chess rating than Magnus Carlsen!

Now we know why Carlsen switched to poker.


Poker Chess

Like chess, but when a piece gets captured, you have to bet on the piece, and whoever bets higher gets to keep their piece on that square.

This adds another layer of strategy because you CAN bet all your money to keep your pawn in the game, but it's not the best idea.


Not going to lie, I'm probably going to run PGN spy on this account. Does feel a little off-touch.

Kyobir wrote:

This adds another layer of strategy because you CAN bet all your money to keep your pawn in the game, but it's not the best idea.

ChessDude009 wrote:

I'm probably going to run PGN spy on this account. Does feel a little off-touch.

Off-touch? Did you mean out of touch? My guy here is inventing new words just like Shakespeare in the good ol' days!

I'll tell you what - learn to do these two things or bugger off!

1. Return when you've completed your nerd experiment with PGN spy,

2. Drop "this account" chickenshit and address me directly!

Winner-4Ever wrote:

You're good at daily 👍

Thank you! We all are more precise in longer time controls.


@vudinhghuyyy wassup bro


You are much better than Super GM Hikaru Nakamura you should play in the 2024 world championship you would totally beat Ding Liren guy