
Bishop sac in Ruy Lopez


the Ruy can be an attacking game. enjoy


Excellently played by black. After 11...Bd6 white shiuld have played the active 12.Re3 but even so white could not afford to loose his e4 pawn. On move 7.c3 black already looks better black has more development and better placed pieces. Not the correct way to play the Ruy for white. But good game by black none the less, cheers.

Nicely placed bishops for Black. I probably would have played 14. Qg4, but even then, there's quite of bit to defend against.
white should have probably taken blacks knight after he castled with 14. Bxe6
But after 14. ... fxe6, you've got to worry about Black's rook on that file.
A good example of how knights and queens make great bedfellows.
wow candyman ur right. completely missed that.  whites best defence then might be 14.Qg4 to try and trade off queens to compensate for his lack of development
fivepastmidnight wrote: wow candyman ur right. completely missed that.  whites best defence then might be 14.Qg4 to try and trade off queens to compensate for his lack of development

a queen trade would certainly mellow things out.  but why give up a good attack to just double some pawns