
bishops the HEROES


first, thanks to my opponent Presort for playing.

To be honest, I was lucky to post that bishop on the queenside, being powerfull at the middle-end game, starting move 18. ... Bc7 watching his black diagonals

also the another bishop made a great support for my other pieces.

Now lets see





fijate que yo creo que tu error fue sacar la reina con anticipacion, eso casi nunca se hace porque si te la atacan el contrincante gana tiempo mientras voz los perdes, deberias considerar primero desarrollar y luego ingeneartelas para atacar.


In english please, btw Im not white, I move my queen until 6 because can do a lot of things, but i get it back safely, I just want to show how strong the bishops can be.

thanks, after review I think I missed an opertunity to capture one of your rooks.

good game 

You missed 39...Rg2+  40.Rxg2(or Kh1 Rxg3#) Rxg2+  41.Kh1 Rd2+  42.Kg1 Rxd1+