Bobby Fisher Vs Efim Geller
Doesn't look to me like 22 Qg4 was what lost Fisher this game. It looks pretty lost there already.
18 Rf5? looks pretty bad to me. I don't know if Fisher didn't see the queens stronger position after 18..Qb4 since he assumed it'd retreat or if he underestimated how strong it was there. I don't think he saw how strong it was there because he could have saved himself with 19 a3 and at least have had his game somewhat together. Either he didn't see the attack possibility or didn't want to accknowledge his mistake because pressing the attack with 19 Qf1? makes his position even worse.
Why didn't he capture the black pawn at c3 on move 18?
I know I'm missing something, but I can't see what it is.
I just compared Geller, who had a team, with Lombardy with regard to adjournments. Geller and many others also prepared Spassky in the openings. I do not offhand remember more than games 1, 13, and 21 (which was not resumed) being adjourned. This was just one of many topics (some of which were not chess) I discussed with Lombardy this past weekend (Feb. 16-18). For more details, it is best to see a book of the match that offers more than databases do.
A Sicilian Defense,Velimirovic Attack. Here GM Geller shows a win as Black against GM Fisher in a game in 1967.