This isn't that impressive, I really just put it in the forum so I have record of my games. But it is a lesson to begginners. The philidor sicilian is inferior. Don't put you bishop on c4 with a pawn on e4 and d3. The formation is too easily disrupted by e6 then d5 by black.
thanks for feedback. I thought it wasn't that impressive, but maybe it was good. He made some poor desicions, and it was easy to captitolize on them. One reason I'm low rated, is because I know sicilian pretty well, but I always lose with white! I'm trying the english opening now though, and am doing a little better.
That pawn on f6 tend to end there in some opening lines and its almost always to have it there since it create potential matting nets like here, nice game, good luck and keep up the improvement.