
Dramatic Game (2 Brilliant moves, 15 Missed Brilliancies)


This game is very dramatic and can be made into at least 5 puzzles (I reviewed it with engine analysis after the game). I played the white pieces.

A very normal Caro Kann turns wild. Some crucial moves have been put down here. The misses below seems very unnatural but leads to crazy lines. Analyze it yourself!
1st Miss: Move 11: White missed Qf3!
2st Miss: Move 12: White missed Bxd5!
3st Miss: Move 14: White missed Nxf7!! (brilliancy)
1st Brilliant: Move 16: White played Bg5!!, sac-ing a bishop!
A Blunder: Move 19: White missed Nf7!, Black counter-blundered, following White's miss on Ng6, followed by 4 CONSECUTIVE MISSES (see analysis)
Critical Blunder: Move 47: Black blundered Be2, now the game is a draw.
Counter-Blunder: Move 49: White blundered Rc1.
2st Brilliant: Move 49: Black played Bxf3!!, sac-ing the bishop.
I had learned a lot from this game. Never have I had the feeling like this before.


I think GothamChess will like this game. It's his favorite opening and a very crazy game.

Come on