I thought that you could have won it. I was kind of surprised that you agreed to a draw. His pawn stucture was horrible. Just my opinion.
That pawn on the d column was really bothering me.. because is alone..
i just didn't figure it out how to win..
I would be playing for a win here as black:
1. Whites d-pawn is blockaded and therefore a liabilty
2. You can make progress on the Kingside with moves like h5...f5....g5
for instance 34 Kd3 Bb6 35 Bb2 h5... white has two weaknesses, the kingside and the d-pawn... his King cannot be in two places at once. It look like to me that once you've tied his pieces down to the defence of the d-pawn you can breakthrough with your kingside pawn majority.
certainly you can't lose, and should play on.
This is my first draw in here.. i know that i could have won this.. but i saw the game again and again and my head keep on saying "draw"
I want to know opinions bout this.