
French Fried


My opponent played the French, Winawer variation, but left a hole on his kingside.  With the threat of mate, he finally trades Queens, but overlooks another mate.  The French got fried in this game.




     Mr. Wall, I don't own a chess engine to analyze to the nth degree. My question is on move 21. Had Black recognized that it was mate in two unless he 21....Nd7. Would you(not an engine) still have moved 22.Bx5d? since 22....Nxf6 23.Bxa8,Rxa8 24.exf6. Tripled pawns on f, with a queenside pawn rush from Black, or take a more conservative approach?

After 21...Nd7, I still would have played 22.Bxd5.  If Black plays 22...Nxf6 23.Bxa8 Rxa8 24.exf6 cxd4 25.Rg1+ and 26.fxe6 and my two rooks should win against his rook.  If 25...Kf8 26.fxe6 fxe6 27.Rg7 and I control the 7th and can play Re1 with my other rook.

    13 B takes f5, e takes f5 14 Qh6 and mate after he does a couple meaningless checks    If 13... Q or B checks you bring your B back, if 14... Ba6+ 15 Kd1, Q takes a1+ 16 Kd2 and safe, if 14... Q takes c2+ 15 Nd2, Ba6+ 16Ke1 and safe) I hope i wrote that all down correctly, I suck at typing! Good game, though, very instructive and fun to analyze.



I was worried about 13.Bxf5 Ba6+! (not exf5) 14.Kd1 cxd4 15.Qh6 Qxa1+ 16.Kd2 Qc3+ and perpetual check 

   that was my first example, if Bxf5 Ba6+ 14 Bd3 to protect and you're up a knight, I think anyway
   hold on I may be wrong, give me a sec
   good call Billwall, sorry for my stupidity, didn't see that combo. Very nice
   Ok I know you're sick of this, by now, but I think if 13 Bxf5 Ba6+ 14 Kd1 cxd4 15 Nxd4! ... you can then get out check, bring your bishop back and rook over to protect, then queen to h6 .... and mate, without the perpetual check happening. But you probably had a shorter mate the way you did it! lol Well, my brain hurts so, again, thanks for great game.
On move 13,  balck should have done 13...Ng7 and if white persists with 14.Qh6, black can just do 14...Ne8.

Move 13 all white has to do is  13. P X Nf5  B X B d3 14. P X B d3 Qc2 + then 15. Nd2


then black as nothing left to stop Qh6 followed by mate Qg7 

addiction_to_chess wrote: On move 13,  balck should have done 13...Ng7 and if white persists with 14.Qh6, black can just do 14...Ne8.

 this line doesnt work as when Queeny bitch gets to h6 then the knight just pops himself down on the g5 square which threatens mate on the h7 square which black would break down crying or whatever but still losing. Even though both sides made some bad moves the victory went to the right person (obviously in my opinion of course.)