
Fully Annotated Game


I liked this one.  A nice tactic.

I find your opening interesting...I was always encouraged to use the more traditional center openings...I will keep this game in mind as I play-thanks!

You're welcome! =)

I think if you do choose to give the Dutch a try you'll find it to be a great counterattacking defense.  d4 players will despise you :)



I saw the nice tactic threatened with the rook capturing the knight at e5 on move 27. I think he moved the knight because you were threating 27... Rxf3 28 exf3 Qd2 and white can't prevent mate with Qg2 a few moves later. You could maybe have tried this tactic one move earlier instead of move 26... Rf5. Not 100% sure how white should defend this but the pawn recapture looks hopeless. Good game.
I have now looked at some of the other continuations of 26...Rxf3 and white looks strong after 27. Qxd5+.   26...Rf5 nicely sures up blacks defense and increases the pressure on white. 26...Rd8 might have been OK.

perhaps 21. Qd4  would have been better.... you would go into the endgame a pawn down but it nonetheless maybe recoverable....