give up a pieces to earn a space
benjacob, 21..fxg5 loses the queen after 22 Qxd7
Capturing the rook at the end allow the white Queen up on the 8th rank. Not that it matters much, the game is lost at this point for black anyway.
I believe that black can win this game after 23.Kxe7, am I missing something here? white is simply down an exchange here and three of his pieces are unguarded.
Edit: I just looked at it a little more and realized that after 23...Re1+ either way that the King goes the queen falls, so just in case anyone was thinking the same as me, if 24.Kd8 Ne6+ 25.Qxe6 Qxe6, if 24. Kf8 Nxh7+ followed by Qxd7
benjacob, 21..fxg5 loses the queen after 22 Qxd7
Capturing the rook at the end allow the white Queen up on the 8th rank. Not that it matters much, the game is lost at this point for black anyway.
OK I understand my error on 21. fxg5
But on 22 why not 22.Rxe7+ Kxe7? if he goes 23. Rxc8 then Qxg4 24.Rxa8 Qd1#
and it also seems that if Kxe7 then white is in a dangerous position.
I am always enjoy learning more about chess so if I am making a grave error please point it out.