
Good game?


*2008. Any comments?


This looks like the French defense, normally white would play Bg5 or e5 rather than Nh3. If you take a second to look at the starting position, you can see your pawn on e4 is being attacked by the pawn on d5 and the knight on f6. While it is only defended by the knight on c3. Bg5 pins blacks knight to the queen, and e5 moves the pawn out of danger.

Even after 1.Nh3 Bb4 2. e5 would have been ok.

After 2.Bd2 Bxc3 3.Bxc3 Nxe4 looks good for black 

After 8...Ng5 9. Bd2 or 9. Nxg5 would have been stronger 

10.c3 wasn't very good don't allow somebody too trade off a piece and weaken your pawn structure.  

 10. Bc3 was better.

12.h4! great move 

14. Bxh7 Kxh7 15. Qxf7 wins a pawn but Rh3 was still okay. 

14...Kh8?? 15. Qxf7! 

At least you saw Qxf7 on your next move. 

You tripped up a little in the opening, but black didn't take advantage. Besides that very well played, looks like you really know how to attack.