
I finally beat my dad


Today, for the first time, I beat him.  Finally!  We had the same idea for a long time, but I finally broke through the chain.


Well done and well played! Smile
Good game, I'm still a far way from beating my dad, he is uscf-master strength, and also my coach =p
Congratulations. :)
Vulpoon wrote: Good game, I'm still a far way from beating my dad, he is uscf-master strength, and also my coach =p

Oh yeah, my dad isn't a master or anything, he just taught me how to play.  so this was a big milestone for me.


nice end game method!!i just post a very nice end game puzzle in win by less value in comment 12,also like u,win the game by sacrifice a castle,try to solve it and good luck.

I did this recently as well, which is pretty good, seeing as how he has an ELO 1988.
Well done, a very nice game...
Brutal.  I bet he choked on that 'free' rook!
I remember the feeling of getting good enough to beat my dad at chess. Like you he showed me how to play the game. He was never a tournamnet player or anything, but he knew how to checkmate and beat me pretty good for a long time. We used to both do the mate in 2 puzzles in the newspaper as well. It's a nice thing to share chess with your dad.
Congratulations!  I remember how good it felt the first time I beat my dad.  I never beat my grandfather tho.  But it was that, "I'm not going to give it to you - you have to earn it" attitude that made that first win feel so good.  Just this weekend my daughter said to me, "I'm going to beat you Daddy.  If I don't beat you this game, I'll beat you next game, or maybe the next one.  But I'm going to keep trying until I win."  That's my girl!  She's already starting to anticipate moves and counter them.  I'm so proud of her.

Great mate! you should learn the italian game. It's one of the oldest games ever played. It seemed like this game was going the way of the italian so you can learn it for an easier mate Laughing


Your dad let you win 😂 pretty simply white is lost out of the opening thanks to 9. BxC3 then the bishop is hanging so if they capture you back with the pawn you play Kxb5 and if the move the bishop you just move you bishop back and your up a whole knight


Oh I didn’t see A4 after that and your “extra“ knight is trapped nvm

logflume53 wrote:

Today, for the first time, I beat him. Finally! We had the same idea for a long time, but I finally broke through the chain.



Congratulations!!!!!! I never got to beat my dad..... Everyone else in the family yes but not my dad.... I learned with my big brother when he decided to learn to play chess and I learned along side of him, I soon beat him and my uncle but I found out my dad was way better than me and I didn't realize he knew how to play!!! I was practicing and he suggested a move that trapped a rook and a bishop which shocked me since I've been chasing those pieces around the board for what felt like ages ... When my dad passed away my biggest regret was not knowing how strong dad actually was....




i just beat my dad to


nice job everybody


we are all goated