Sorry, I'm a nub and couldn't insert the game properly... anyway, the good stuff starts about halfway into the game, and I continually check my opponent until he resigns.
Sorry, I'm a nub and couldn't insert the game properly... anyway, the good stuff starts about halfway into the game, and I continually check my opponent until he resigns.
Nice game, but why even bother forking the King/Rook with your Knight when you can mate him in 3 moves?
Once your opponent moved his King to B5, I would have moved my Queen to C5. That would force him to move the King to A4. Then bring your Rook up to C4 and the game is effectively over.
Nice game nonetheless, Ryugu...
Sorry, I'm a nub and couldn't insert the game properly... anyway, the good stuff starts about halfway into the game, and I continually check my opponent until he resigns.