
my best game at the RBO



After 12. Be2 black has good chances equalizing completely by Bxe2 13. Qxe2 h6 14.Nf3 d5!!. d5 is a very strong move. Clearing up the center with good prospects for a king side attack. Can I ask what your plan was?  My idea in that position would be somehow push my g-pawn up to g5, and break up black's kingside.

What also makes sence, I havent looked into it deeply enough though is Nh4 aiming for f4 and f5 and swinging the knight at c3 over to the kingside. Its just a qualitative plan. Check it out. Always challenge your victories as much as you cahllenge your defeats. 


thanks for the advice,

during the middlegame I was only thinking about keeping the e5 pawn defended, but after 25.g5, I realized I could use the bishop to lure his king pawns out...

at 28.Bh2, I decided that it was a good time to go after his king


I thought 28. Bh2 was a good move.  I was expecting the robotic Bxh4 so you schooled me on that. I think that you kept on the critical e5 and ignored the pawn speaks well of you.

Black holds with 34. ... Kg7 though it looks like he'll be down a pawn.  I didn't like 34. ... Rd3 because of 35. Rxh6+ Rxh6 36. Re3 - both black's rooks are en prise and the Fat Lady sings.  However, after 35. Rxh4 Qd5 seems to breathe life back into black. The f3 pawn is just as critical as the e5 pawn.

Nice game. 


Good enough for beginner
thanks for the comments people