
My best game! (so far;)



He should of liberated his knight much sooner than he did. He really put it in a poor spot and never adjusted it. Later in the game he payed for it too. The gm games we gawk at and ponder often have the GM's adjusting their peices a lot. A knight on the side of the board is, well, gonna be pretty useless compared to one in the center. Unless its forking two pieces or something. That puch you had for the center was nice.
4...d6 allowed 5.Ng5. Black's move 4 should have been bishop to e7 or c5 or b4. 11...d5 allowed 12.Nxe5 which was still available on move 13. 13...Bd6 allowed 14.c5, and if 14...Bxc5, then 15.Rxe5, while if 14...Bc7, then 15.b4
I think it was a good game! Just a few errors
Kingfisher, i've got a similar game against norsehorse going for me. i can't receive comments as it's on-going.  

5.Ng5 is a one move attack.

12.Nxe5?! trades a knight and a rook for a queen and threatens a back rank mate. I think my line was better

14.c5 works better then my line only  if Bxc5. 15.b4 does the same as Qa4, except it keeps the queen on the back rank.


Black had remembered "A Knight on the rim is grim" it would have definately helped him. To have a knight that had limited space and no protection isn't so good in my book. But it was a great game.

Kingfisher wrote:

5.Ng5 is a one move attack.

12.Nxe5?! trades a knight and a rook for a queen and threatens a back rank mate. I think my line was better

14.c5 works better then my line only  if Bxc5. 15.b4 does the same as Qa4, except it keeps the queen on the back rank.

5.Ng5 cannot be answered satisfactorily.

12. Nxe5 wins.

14.c5 threatening b4 wins. 14.Bf4 is more complicated. It may win after 14...Rb8 or 14...Bc8 or 14...f6, but 14.c5 reduces Black's possible choices and the amount that needs to be analyzed.  

Well played Kingfisher