I like this one too, especially because of the rook sacrifice....
I play White.My best win
In the first game I wouldn't bet on the 2R vs Q ending at move 34. I think I would favor black because of the extra pawns, but I have a feeling white can draw this.
White is better off playing 38. h6 rather than hxg6. Then there are real threats against the black king on g7. 41. Qc4+ should have been 41. Qd5+ followed by Qxb7. At move 49 you say you should have moved your king, but that would lose your rook on e6.
At move 49 you say you should have moved your king, but that would lose your rook on e6.
When I say that, its white to move, then he puts me in check, then I should have moved my king....
Maybe if 38.h6 and 41. Qd5+ followed by Qxb7 would loose me the game, maybe... hey, but I still think I played good...up ntil I lost my queen for a rook and a bishop.
Feal free to analyse the game if you want, Im always up for improvement.