Nice attack on the Schliemann
YesI certainly wouldn't want to be in his place. That's for sure. I don't know if you noticed but I criticized his moves but haven't give any alternatives for them. So I think I have some sympathy for his situation.
My 41th move was just made on a whim. I knew that I could queen and from then on mate was pretty easy to force but I wanted to do that. I knew I had the win anyway, unless of course I blundered I just wanted to be a sadistic guy.
And I totally missed 33. ... Ra8! I think that since I felt I was already winning I didn't try too much.
Thanks for the comments.
Cool games. The sacrifice seems to be sound, at least in the sense that I can't seem to refute it. I think I have, however, found ways for white to get out of the serious problems.
9.Kf3 is obviously a blunder. The discover is a big threat. So if no king moves, how about luring the queen to an inferior square where it can be attacked thus preventing or delaying the discover? hmm... Didn't black sacrifice a piece to reach this position?
9. Ng5!? Qxg5 (seems forced. Black's king is starting to look open too... But 9...0-0 10.d4 h6 11.f3 is excellent for white).
10.f4!? The queen is right where we want it.
10...Qg6 and now 11.Qe2+ Kd8 (on Kf8 it is more vulnerable to f5(which would happen immediately... The Bxf5 Rxf5+ would be with check, which is what makes it possible for white)), and now
a) 12.Re1 seems to be only somewhat better for black. White is out of the woods for now. Somewhat inferior though I believe.
b) 12.Qd3+!? Seems to lead to massive structural weaknesses after Qxd3 cxd3, but I think there is more to this position than meets the eye. Brief analysis tells me that white is just ok, with nothing to fear. I think this one needs further analysis.
The lines seem to be rather forced too.
Once again, cool games.
Cool games. The sacrifice seems to be sound, at least in the sense that I can't seem to refute it. I think I have, however, found ways for white to get out of the serious problems.
9.Kf3 is obviously a blunder. The discover is a big threat. So if no king moves, how about luring the queen to an inferior square where it can be attacked thus preventing or delaying the discover? hmm... Didn't black sacrifice a piece to reach this position?
9. Ng5!? Qxg5 (seems forced. Black's king is starting to look open too... But 9...0-0 10.d4 h6 11.f3 is excellent for white).
10.f4!? The queen is right where we want it.
10...Qg6 and now 11.Qe2+ Kd8 (on Kf8 it is more vulnerable to f5(which would happen immediately... The Bxf5 Rxf5+ would be with check, which is what makes it possible for white)), and now
a) 12.Re1 seems to be only somewhat better for black. White is out of the woods for now. Somewhat inferior though I believe.
b) 12.Qd3+!? Seems to lead to massive structural weaknesses after Qxd3 cxd3, but I think there is more to this position than meets the eye. Brief analysis tells me that white is just ok, with nothing to fear. I think this one needs further analysis.
The lines seem to be rather forced too.
Once again, cool games.
Thanks for all the analysis. Tomorrow I'll get back to you with my thoughts on this. But Ng5 certainly seems to be the right idea or at least a very nice idea.
It seems like the greek gift was sound. Maybe I had stronger continuations but I think this was the most fun one. White messed by moving his king to the f-file and from then on I was sure I was winning.