Now thats an attack.
We should get some interesting topic started here!
"Favorite chess sayings you say"?
"Go go bishop sac!" and "check this!!" =P.
I love these posts. First, you're playing your opponent, not anyone else, so good win. 2nd, 1600s are fair game for 1700s. Sucks to be him!
I ran the game through Crafty. With careful play he survives your onslaught with a surmountable deficit. Of course, he might have needed to be a 2400 player to find the right moves, lol.
Crafty-22.0-win32 sez:
Qd8xd4 Re1e2 Bc8e6 Nd2f3 Be6xb3 Nf3xd4 e5xd4 a2xb3 Nb4xd3 Re2d2 Nd3c5 Ra1a3 Rf8d8 b3b4 Nc5e6 e4e5 c7c6 Rd2e2 with a 1.5pt advantage for black.
14 Re3 isn't a great move, running the score up to 3 pts. Re2 covers all the bases and reduces the damage to 1.5 points.
crafty prefers 14 ... Be6 tempoing the Q. The move made scores nearly as well but gives white some play. Now white is lost if black plays with care.
Crafty sez 15. Nf3 hitting the Q and releasing the B. The move played, fxe3, is terminal with black's advantage flying up to 7+ points.
Crafty sez 17. h3. Bf1 makes the previous 7 point deficit look like a vacation. It flew up to about 18 pts.
A very artful finish.
Old :
ummm i slipped and pressed enter before i had anything entered... you can delet this or leave it,,, im putting up the game and the other stuff as you read if its not already up... sorry :\
yes he's technicaly rated lower than me... so why put this game here? My average oponent is only 1400 so im really more in the 1550-1650 range...well the game started with the whole idea for me to play black with opening theory in mind without trying to mimic opening lines i've read in books...
the rest is in the notes
also, i know that he played into alot of it... but the ideas are still solid, (i hope), and i think the surprize factor of my moves added to throwing him offbalance...