Nice game. You held out on many tough battles. =p
Off the hook!!
Usually it's a good idea to empty the board of your opponent' pieces. :-)
hehe, now i get it.
would 3.Nxe4 have been the better move in the opening? i was a little concerned leaving him a move ahead in pawn development so early on with my knight out on a limb.
Normally it's good to be wary of hunting pawns in the opening, but this move wins a pawn outright and comes with the threat of 4. Qh5+. For example 3. Nxe5 fxe4 4. Qh5+ g6 5. Nxg6 Nf6 6. Qe5+. You should be able to recognize this as better for white.
So black probably has to respond to 3. Nxe5 with 3. ... Nf6. Then you just have to be careful about falling for something like 4. exf5 Qe7 5. d4 d6 when the knight is pinned and will be taken by the pawn. So play something sensible like 4. d4 and develop your pieces.
Hello all, i doubt if this game shows either us in a particulrly positive light but i was so pleased to get off the hook i thought i would share it.