That's a nice miniature I've just played. I attempted the Fishing Pole trap, but I ended up sacrifying an exchange for a decisive attack:
Post your best miniatures here
Isn't it 13...Bf3 the best try? Black threatens mate on h1. 14.Ng3 (only move to avoid mate) fxg3 (black renewed the mate threat) 14.fxg3 Qxg3#.
Isn't it 13...Bf3 the best try? Black threatens mate on h1. 14.Ng3 (only move to avoid mate) fxg3 (black renewed the mate threat) 14.fxg3 Qxg3#.
Yes, 13...Bf3 is better. I've run Fritz (as I normally do when I sac something, to see if the sac is sound or not) and it agrees with you.
Isn't it 13...Bf3 the best try? Black threatens mate on h1. 14.Ng3 (only move to avoid mate) fxg3 (black renewed the mate threat) 14.fxg3 Qxg3#.
Yes, 13...Bf3 is better. I've run Fritz (as I normally do when I sac something, to see if the sac is sound or not) and it agrees with you.
As I've seen on your game with computer analysis, white can prolong the game with 14.f3 so the tactical motiff is to prevent it by 13...Bf3 and threatens mate. Glad to hear that Fritz agrees with me on my analysis though one can spot it even without the aid of computer. Good game anyway
As suggested by frrixz, I will post my latest win here.
It's my best game ever! And I'm really happy with it, beating a player rated 200 points higher than me, with my "own take" on the Latvian Gambit - in just 15 moves.
I would like to hear what you think.
As suggested by frrixz, I will post my latest win here.
It's my best game ever! And I'm really happy with it, beating a player rated 200 points higher than me, with my "own take" on the Latvian Gambit - in just 15 moves.
I would like to hear what you think.
Awesome! Games like this one remind me why I played this kind of gambits!
As suggested by frrixz, I will post my latest win here.
It's my best game ever! And I'm really happy with it, beating a player rated 200 points higher than me, with my "own take" on the Latvian Gambit - in just 15 moves.
I would like to hear what you think.
I don't know anything about this opening but it looks like you played very very well. Congrats on a nice win!
Brutal destruction of his fortress, frrixz.
Thanks; it's usually a bad idea to castle into a storm of 5 pieces, since with 5 pieces, you can usually afford multiple sacrifices and mate with the remaining 2 or 3.
Look again. There's a knight on e5.