
Post your best miniatures here


35 moves in a miniture when your compensating for somthing :p


anyway here is my 2nd ever game in the latvian gambit


How do people know which positional advantages are worth trading pieces for?


The Fraser Variation of the Latvian gambit has been a sound opening for a few hundered years - Ive stuided the lines and have a good idea what Im doing,

Many gambits have been rigously tested by chess engines, numerous grand masters and in correspondance tournaments.


As to other sacrafice - such as my two knights for a pawn and a rook - that was intuative - I knew that by drawing the king out of the castle there would be mating threats

Much like: "Kasparov's Immortal" @

(im not comparing myself to kasparov - im far better)

On the 24th move a rook is exchanged for a pawn just to draw the black king up the board and create mating threats - by creating these threats Kasparov manages to win his material and more back!

Id also look up Tals games - he had a lot of positional sacs that might help you


I hope this does help frrixz


Thanks. Yes, that game is very ... inspiring. I still don't see myself making such bold moves in the near future though.


JMB2010 wrote:
James_Bond_Fan wrote:


A blitz game I played this afternoon against the machine. I won

 35 moves as a miniature?

Oh yes you are right, sorry. Wrong showcase :-)

CommieBDav94 wrote:

35 moves in a miniture when your compensating for somthing :p


anyway here is my 2nd ever game in the latvian gambit


can you please amphasize what you mean by that "compensating for something :p"


@frrixz thats some nice games, effective use of the kings gambit :) and an instructive game showing why you shouldnt bring your queen out too soon


and @james bond - "joking"? anyway i read somewhere that 25 moves is a miniture... looks like 1 or 2 of my games might have ta go


hopefully this should be a miniature without compensation

Does this next game count as a miniature?

wow you destroyed the french defence there


I hope this isn't too long either.


I read somewhere that a miniature is 25 moves or less.



After 11...f6??, you can play Bxg6+ right away since your knight on e5 covers d7.


11...f6?? - 12. Bxg6+, Bf7 - 13. Bxf7#


@hess fisher played bc4 in the kings gambit you can get a few tempos on the queen that way :)

-waller- wrote:

I read somewhere that a miniature is 25 moves or less.

Didn't know there was an exact number. Now I know.


In this game, my opponent played quite inaccurately, but I love the mating net at the end:

you call that inacurate play




about comment 213: missed mate in 1. if hessmaster played nf3, it is checkmate