Pretty wild game (1700+ Players)
I ran part of this game through Crafty. 36. ... a5 37. Qa4 is fatal for black. 37. b6 lets black back into the game though white still has the advantage. After 38. Qc3 black has some pull. The game has swung by about 9 points in 2 moves without a piece being lost!
42. Rf1 is another fatal move allowing 42. Qg6, eyeing e4, b1, and perhaps b6. After 42. Qe2 the game is almost even.
43. ... Rg8 allows a mate in 8.
Rc7xb7+ Kb8xb7 Rf1f7+ Kb7a6 Rf7a7+ Ka6b5 Qc1c5+ Kb5a4 Ra7xa5+ Ka4b3 Ra5a3+ Kb3b2 Qc5c3+ Kb2b1 Ra3a1+
After 45. Qc7+ (a natural-enough looking move) White is dead lost. Black has a mate in 13. I'll spare you the pain of it, lolz.
An impressive and exciting game.