a) Rael, you're so mean. Let him post his games if he so desires.
b) Where do you get your pictures of "hog wash"
a) Rael, you're so mean. Let him post his games if he so desires.
b) Where do you get your pictures of "hog wash"
I am not proud I have just decided to post every game but I am stopping now... due to the abuse I have been getting!
I do not mean to annoy people but it is clearly not what people want so that was the last game I will ever submit.
that depends on your screen resoulution, i can see the whole board, it takes up a little over 1/4 of the screen. maybe you should put your resoulution up a little.
Lol, top notch trolling imo. A Sicilian Dragon starting with an e6 move and no eventual fianchetto. Who is the poor gentleman in the picture, is someone setting him up or what? I particularly like the annotations which were missing in earlier games and the way the diagrams keep getting biger and bigger with every match
The result of getting these diagonals (I presume that is a play on "doubled pawns") was that I weakened my King's Side but I was stilll reasonbly happy with my current status in the game.
We've been had folks.........been worth it for Rael's hogwash pics though :-)
I have only played one game with him, but he played strongly, he's not a patzer. Some of his comments do seem to indicate a lack of general chess opening knowledge, but after all, he never claimed to have a FIDE rating, only a BCF rating which he correlates to ELO. Our one game was a theoretical Najdorf line where I tried a side variation (...Bd6) instead of the main line (..Nc4) and he was aware of theory enough to comment on it in his posted game. This is a community chess site, people can post what they want. Some of the big advantages over ICC, FICS, etc is the posting feature, blogs, etc. that make chess.com more of community as opposed to just playing endless bullet games and being insulted by pricks all day long. Hey Reb, why don't you play this guy and see what happens instead of bringing the hate all day long? Surely you know that to play stronger players you first must increase your rating before they even see your challenges right?
Now, having said all that, I will say that for a lawyer (whom one would think must have an excellent command of language) his sentences seem a little strange, unless that's how lawyers talk over there , and it is possible that his profile isn't a true one, but so what? Let the guy post his games, if you don't the like board size, comments, or lawyers from Devon, guess what? Don't look at the posted games! What a concept!!
This is my sixteenth game on chess.com and I won!
I was wondering what everyone thought of it...