Sacrificing the rook and bishop for mate
what speed was set for the game??
we had ten minutes each and both gain 15 seconds with every move
I entered the game into Arena and let Crafty have a go at it starting after 22. ... Rf8. White is already lost whether he takes the pawn or not according to Crafty. This is a typical painful computer ending where the computer won't simplify and have an easy win. Of course, I suppose queens off or on is all the same to it.
Skip ahead to move 23. When you see a comment like "-3.28/17" it means black is ahead by 3.28 points/pawns/yadda in this case. I think the 17 is how many plies deep it is looking. So right off the bat, Crafty considers black up a piece even though he's down the exchange! Note the slow crush as the analyzed score keeps creeping up. The ending is interesting in that Q+B v R+R is difficult yet the machine makes slow but steady progress.