
superb mate


i am waiting for ur comments ppl
What do you want to hear? Nice played, it is a known opening trap I believe. If he really is that high in ranking he should have seen it coming...

Sorry mate, but it's really hard to give honest congratulations when you only won through a trick. This doesn't prove you're the better player, it just proves you got lucky enough to trick your opponent.


Honestly, I think he underestimated you. I'm sorry, but I don't think you have bragging rights. I think you should play him a second time. Beat him twice in a row and THEN you get bragging rights :P . But be warned, he'll probably play more seriously the second time around, assuming his rating IS 1800+.

In bullet chess, all men become humble. Black got greedy. At least you started out developing nicely.

If you were playing to win, i'd say you won fair and square and it was a good game


if you were playing to learn, then you didn't accomplish much.


But don't we play chess to win anyway??Cool

good one.
a divine mate.  whoever doesn't give it credit is just sour from the last time they found themselves looking at checkmate.
hybridy wrote:

Sorry mate, but it's really hard to give honest congratulations when you only won through a trick. This doesn't prove you're the better player, it just proves you got lucky enough to trick your opponent.


Honestly, I think he underestimated you. I'm sorry, but I don't think you have bragging rights. I think you should play him a second time. Beat him twice in a row and THEN you get bragging rights :P . But be warned, he'll probably play more seriously the second time around, assuming his rating IS 1800+.

man i have played him like 10 times and lost only 3 times (2 on time, 1 check mate) so yea i have what to brag about.

Posting your beaten opponent's name and ranking...classy.
Unless it's the 4-move "fools gold mate", any checkmate is divine...
After black played Nf6, I believe you can do legalls mate. 5.Nxe5, Bxd1, 6.Bxf2+, Ke7, 7.Nd5++. I might be wrong though

queen sacrifice and win.

nice one!!

shaxmat64 wrote:

Very funny. I saw this as a puzzle a few days ago. It is an opening trap, as someone said. You wish YOU had designed it. But superb, yes indeed.

yes indeed it is an opening trap, but i didnt knew about that variation, all i knew was this


Sorry Xavi3r, but it seems you forgot that rule that says that you can't use tricks ... Well, maybe you can, but I'm sure GMs never used them ... ok maybe a couple of them once in a while ... :-)

I think it was a beautiful game!!  Congratulations! Many of us may have read about the "Legal's" mate (the one you post just ahead), but it's completely different when it's YOUR game.

 I'll be careful if I found you in ChessLive!