
Tactical Game! Sacrificed bishop and rook for the win


Very nice - thx for posting.
Very interesting game, yet he could have done a lot better in move 35. maybe sacrifice his rook on your strong white bishop and after Qxe4, play Rbd8 like you say. Even pawn to a2 is a lot stronger once your white bishop is gone. You did a good job taking advantage of your agressive position; congrats.

I like 3. Nc3. The knight is threatening to go to d5 with tempo against the queen. The queen would have to go back to d8 to protect c7.

 3. Nc3 c6 4. d4 exd4 5. Bg5 and white has much more development than black.

3. Nc3 d6 4. Nd5 Qd8 5. d4 c6 6. Nc3. Even though white has moved his knight 3 times he has a much better development and better center. 


I like 4. d4. Opening the game will help the player with better development.


I like 6. Nc3. You threaten 6. Nd5 attacking the queen and threatening Nxc7. 


I don't like 7. h3. I see your defense of this move in your annotations, but your position allows you to be more aggressive. 7. Nc3 looks better to me. If black pins your knight with 7. ... Bg4 you have 8. Nd5 Qd6 (8. ... Qc6 9. Bb5 wins the queen because 9. ... Qxb5 10. Nxc7 forks the king and queen).  9. Qd3 threatening Qb3 and unpinning the knight.. This seems like a more active plan.


 So, your opponent played a few very amateurish moves, but I think you could have played more actively, aggressively, and energetically on moves 3, 4, 6, and 7.  By move 9 you are forced to play Kh2 to protect your h-pawn.


On move 21, I prefer 21. Be4 followed by pushing your f-pawn f5 and f6. If 21. ... f5 then Bd5+ and you have a passed pawn on the e-file. 

thanks so much for the advice, i'll try to remember it in the future :)