
Tactics trainer inspired finish


I was playing some blitz games with friends yesterday, when I got in to quite an interesting position and TT helped me see a interesting move... Sorry I dont have the full game, but most of it was quite dull.

gxf3 leads to Bxf3 and forced mate.

Nxd8 leads to Rf1+ Rxf1 Qxf1#

g3 leads to a forced mate as well

h3 Rf1+ Rxf1 Qxf1+ Kh2 Qg4+ g3 Qg2+ Kh1 Rd1# 

If tactics trainer would have inspired my in the same position, I would have done 1... Rc1+! 2. Rxc1 Qxc1+! 3.Bxc1 Rd1#
Wow... how did I miss that... Not sure if I messed up on the position or just missed the obvious...