
Unbeliever vs. Anonmyous


One of my favorite games yet against a player about 30 rating points higher than me at the beginning of our game.  Post your comments, and, if anyone sees a way to avoid checkmate for Black without sacrificing the Queen after move 14. Qa3, please post that continuation, as it means I missed a move in my calculations.


14...a5 ?
I believe that after 14....a5 15.Bxf6 Qxf6 16. Nd5 White has the upper hand, with the dominant Knight in the center, and the Queen attacking the Castled King.
I fully agree with your assessment (and don't forget the extra piece !), however, I was only suggesting 14...a5 as a way to avoid the immediate mate, as you asked for such a defence in your intro.
Ah, I see.  a5 does avoid the immediate mate, but I do not believe there is a way to avoid the overall mate.
c5 was alsoo good, but black's position is pretty bad.

Notes on the game... click "Move List" to see the variations:


Unbeliever> Ah, I see. a5 does avoid the immediate mate, but I do not believe there is a way to avoid the overall mate.


You're a piece up after your opponent's double-blunder. So, of course you will eventually mate him, unless you commit a similar blunder.  Wink

Thanks for the move variations, very interesting to see how the game could have gone.  I also learned some counterplay against Philidor's Defense.  Thanks, likesforests.
Good game! Congratulations Unbeliever
Unbeliever wrote:

One of my favorite games yet against a player about 30 rating points higher than me at the beginning of our game.  Post your comments, and, if anyone sees a way to avoid checkmate for Black without sacrificing the Queen after move 14. Qa3, please post that continuation, as it means I missed a move in my calculations.




Unbeliever wrote:

One of my favorite games yet against a player about 30 rating points higher than me at the beginning of our game.  Post your comments, and, if anyone sees a way to avoid checkmate for Black without sacrificing the Queen after move 14. Qa3, please post that continuation, as it means I missed a move in my calculations.



Black could've moved the king left 2 moves before the checkmate