
Winning with Trippled pawns!


Here my opponent who is a bit higher rated then I, misses my threat and allows me a nice finish.

well played, all hail the kind baby! can you play me please? I need practice agains superior players
Nilesh wrote: well played, all hail the kind baby! can you play me please? I need practice agains superior players

 Go ahead and send a challenge. I'll be happy to play you in a game.


benws wrote:

Why didn't you play 8. fxe5? I don't see why you avoided it, and it loses a pawn. Also, you can play 9. Bxf7 as 9...e6 allows 10. Bxg8.

Plus, what's worng with 13...Nxc5?

Why not 8.fxe5 because it is better to develop pieces.


As for 9.Bxf7 e6 10.Bxg8 just trades my developed bishop for his undeveloped knight. I didn't like that idea. 

As for your last question on why he didn't just capture on move 13.? If you read my note on his 12th move, I said the move itself wasn't bad, its that he didn't do anything with the knight until it was too late. 

Doubling rooks on the e file sooner seems like a quicker win to me, but I'm not sure.
Wow, well played!