
13 moves stalemate?


Has anyone ever heard if your king is the only piece left that your opp has 13 moves to put you in mate or the game is drawn? I've always been taught that this is a rule, staff tells me that this rule doesn't exist, but i've been told and taught by teachers and masters who play this way. I trust the staff to be correct, however i cannot be the only one to know this. They tell me this is an example of "house rules"... Undecided


In the international rules (also used in United States tournaments) the ways to draw that are usually a bit unknown or modified by non tournament players are:

1.  Three move repetition - the same position appears on the board 3 times (doesn't have to be consecutively).
2.  50 move rule.  If no piece has been captured or pawn has been moved, you can claim a draw after 50 consecutive moves.  (This is the closest to what you seem to be describing).

There are no special rules for when one player only has a king left.

Usually players will have heard a variation of the 50 move rule.  I've seen 5 moves, 15, 20... and now I've heard 13 Tongue out  Yes, this is an example of house rules.  I woudln't expect a master to teach you this as if it were part of the standard rules. 

Maybe it's used for a scholastic club to make sure games fit in the allotted time or so that new players are encouraged to know basic mating patterns (instead of repeatedly checking without making progress).  Something like this I'm guessing.


There is no such rule. If there were, delivering mate with king, bishop and knight against king would not be possible in most cases, since it usually takes more than 13 moves.

Who are the masters that told you such a rule exists?


I can see the point of view to help beginners for learning mating patterns, and one of the masters i learned from was Jacob Reynolds from PA i believe. Another question would be if the computer that governs the games would catch the 3 repeating patterns situation in blitz and automatically draw or at least offer, i've played several games with repeating scenarios and i've not seen any kind of pop up or what not to indicate. Just wondering... thanks for the feedback 


You have to claim the draw by pressing the draw button. It's automatic if you press the button and it is a threefold (or more) repetition.


what are examples of basic mating moves in chess



I used to play chess in highschool with some friends, we where just amateurs with no training at all, some time some guy that actually played chess told us this 15 moves by each player, 30 in total, it was pretty darn annoying, now knowing it was all made up its actually worse XD

Obese_Octopus escribió:

wdym by 13 move stalemate

Me and aparently OP as well at one point or another were told that once the last piece before the King, was captured, the opponent has only 13 moves, 15 in my case, to checkmate, or it is a draw.


lol i learned 23 moves... seemed an arbitrary number. glad to find it isnt truehappy.png

cocapelli wrote:

lol i learned 23 moves... seemed an arbitrary number. glad to find it isnt true

To be fair, the actual rule of 50 is still arbitrary, but its still a lot better than 15, and with those numbers it actually makes sense.


After the release of 7-piece tablebases, the guidelines for when a game was to be drawn was very difficult to choose. 50 was chosen because the majority of common endgames + uncommon endgames would have a checkmate in 50 moves or less. Even if they didn't, it was unlikely that players would find 50+ move checkmates.

Anyways, most people here are talking about the 75 move rule, where 75 moves without a capture or pawn move would draw a game. The real 50 move rule is that a draw must be claimed by one player in order to draw the game. If both players want to continue playing, and feel like they have chances, or they just didn't keep track of the previous moves, they may continue.


Alguam ai fala em portugues que me recomente um forum?


I was taught the 13 moves as well im from california and use this 13 moves rule,but now i now why, anyhow thank you all for the feed back so basically its 50 moves seems right in other words checkmate is a must ...