
2900 puzzles (featuring a very weird puzzle)


so I was on a roll and got to 2899 then got this, some 3054 puzzle with a 7% pass rate and I’m wonderin who gets into this position

then I got to 2900 by some easy mate pattern

3000 might actually happen by the end of the year


average puzzle

in all seriousness congrats, 3000 is next 💪💪




Steinitz? He advocated that the king is a strong piece and played some games to illustrate it. I am not sure that this is one of them, but maybe someone else tried the same idea. happy.png

Renate-Irene wrote:

Steinitz? He advocated that the king is a strong piece and played some games to illustrate it. I am not sure that this is one of them, but maybe someone else tried the same idea.

If this is true then I’d imagine that there would at least be some pieces developed, there are literally only two pawns, a bishop, and a king outside their starting square

it’s most likely just someone who tried doing it


That is true, but Black is not developed either; his pawns are scattered all over (easy targets). His rook is locked up, with no Q-side pawns and three pawns down. So, all White has to do is figure out how to retreat his king without losing too much material. I think that may be the point of the puzzle.


Maybe c4 to block the pawn and not allow the B into the game. Then, avoid the Q-checks by toggling on the light squares toward his home. The advanced C-pawn will let him get home. I don't think there are any diagonal Q checks until later, but then there would be a possible Q trade, which would not be good for Black.

Renate-Irene wrote:

That is true, but Black is not developed either; his pawns are scattered all over (easy targets). His rook is locked up, with no Q-side pawns and three pawns down. So, all White has to do is figure out how to retreat his king without losing too much material. I think that may be the point of the puzzle.

Yeah that’s what it seems like to me. Black is also equally undeveloped but just has way less pieces, the only piece that’s out doing something is the queen (I’m pretty sure the knight contributes to the attack). And you’re right, the maneuver to protect the king is the only thing that’ll work or else white will get mated.

I just found this out while looking at the analysis board, it’s still losing for white after c3, black just made the mistake of Ne5 which allowed white to run away with Ka4, so is the puzzle even right?

And now a couple mins later when I put it back in the analysis board, the engine is saying that Qa8+ is a blunder and it’s now better for white, and c4 works instead



nice. I'm about half of ya. hope i'll still be there

The puzzles are so weird sometimes

That’s what I’m wonderin




yes I’m a very interesting lad


I played Qa8 instead of Qc6 🙈




That's not even the right puzzle - white is losing on the spot XD




I mean that you can't draw here or win because you are losing


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