
Accountability for USCF


Most recent tournament: 1487 -> 1518... Lost first game in drawn position to 1800 due to time. 2nd game: Beat 1855 in a great fashion 3rd: Game. Good until late middle game where I panicked over the minority attack on the queenside and started attacking on the kingside innappropriately against 1926

GabeMiami10 wrote:

Also sometimes the best defense is attack. Was the minority attack a real threat?

No, it wasn't. I just panicked because his pieces were well coordinated on the queenside, even though they were kind of kept back due to the nice placement of my bishop.

GabeMiami10 wrote:

Great tournament bro. You had really strong opponents. 1500 seems way too low for 1900, I mean ik is inflated but not by 400 pts like lichess



wait only 30 points? man I thought you gain like 60 points for that

GabeMiami10 wrote:

Great tournament bro. You had really strong opponents. 1500 seems way too low for 1900, I mean ik is inflated but not by 400 pts like lichess

Yeah he cooks me every game too!


I'm also 1500 FIDE. But I've been losing some rating points because of 1700-1800s that I haven't managed to beat. I think the best I've gotten was a draw against 1780 or something. Also, well done beating a 1855!


good job! and i wanted to ask is 1750 uscf and fide good? i have been playing for 1 year

Arnav wrote:

good job! and i wanted to ask is 1750 uscf and fide good? i have been playing for 1 year

It's good when you think it is good



Arnav wrote:

good job! and i wanted to ask is 1750 uscf and fide good? i have been playing for 1 year

It is good. But then why are you only 1900 on though??? I though 1750 uscf is like 2200 here.


i dunno man. But I'm 1810 USCF (after playing 49 classical games) and I'm 2200 here.

Shrimp-Biryani wrote:

Most recent tournament: 1487 -> 1518... Lost first game in drawn position to 1800 due to time. 2nd game: Beat 1855 in a great fashion 3rd: Game. Good until late middle game where I panicked over the minority attack on the queenside and started attacking on the kingside innappropriately against 1926

There's nothing in the text here to support the name of this thread: "Accountability for USCF". Are you making a claim of some funny business?

theeldest1 wrote:

i dunno man. But I'm 1810 USCF (after playing 49 classical games) and I'm 2200 here.

Yeah, pretty much.


What would u rate a 2100 blitz player on Like what do you think my uscf would be.


i dont know lol, ig im just better otb

Arnav wrote:

i dont know lol, ig im just better otb

I would be 1750 but I play in tournaments that don't give any rating bonuses (only 3 rounds) so I can only odl ike 30 points max a tournament


im 1380 uscf

GabeMiami10 wrote:

Also sometimes the best defense is attack. Was the minority attack a real threat?

The typical minority attack is a pretty big "threat." If it goes as well as possible, then game basically only has two results afterwards. Either the player who did the minority attack wins, or their opponent successfully defends for 50 moves and draws. The minority attacking player will never lose.

You don't deal with it by defending on the same side though. In chess:

1) It's not possible that both players have an advantage on the same side of the board and
2) It's very rare to have an advantage in all 3 areas (kingside, center, queenside)

Therefore whenever your opponent is pressing an advantage somewhere, the common (and usually correct) way to respond is not to defend that area, but instead push your advantage in one of the other areas.

llama_l wrote:
GabeMiami10 wrote:

Also sometimes the best defense is attack. Was the minority attack a real threat?

The typical minority attack is a pretty big "threat." If it goes as well as possible, then game basically only has two results afterwards. Either the player who did the minority attack wins, or their opponent successfully defends for 50 moves and draws. The minority attacking player will never lose.

You don't deal with it by defending on the same side though. In chess:

1) It's not possible that both players have an advantage on the same side of the board and
2) It's very rare to have an advantage in all 3 areas (kingside, center, queenside)

Therefore whenever your opponent is pressing an advantage somewhere, the common (and usually correct) way to respond is not to defend that area, but instead push your advantage in one of the other areas.

Thank you!

Shrimp-Biryani wrote:

Most recent tournament: 1487 -> 1518... Lost first game in drawn position to 1800 due to time. 2nd game: Beat 1855 in a great fashion 3rd: Game. Good until late middle game where I panicked over the minority attack on the queenside and started attacking on the kingside innappropriately against 1926

Thanks for the advice! I now know how to defend against the minority attack!