
An apology from a former cheater


I have been cheating at this game with a chess program for two months or so... since I came here. Apologies to everyone.. it started out of just curiousity, and led to me getting deeper into it. I just can't take doing it anymore though.

So, I'm sorry. I've sent an admin a message to delete my account so this may show up as blank or something, I don't know.


Why delete your account?  I am happy to know that you are not a cheater at this moment.  You will improve tremendously if you put some work into chess, I promise you will find chess much more fun without a computer making the moves :)



Just play chess without a program, it's a very enjoyable game. 


I want the account deleted because I cheated on it & don't want to have it anymore. I don't deserve any of those wins I made. I have created another account that I will play on.

Good thing.  Message me when you create your new account, I'll be happy to play youLaughing
Amazing that even cheating this player's stats isnt that impressive nor the rating! It really makes you wonder! I would like to ask petrichor which program(s) was he using to cheat with?

That is a good question. I also think it would be informative to know what techniques were used to cheat.


That is because I resigned all of my games. I had a record of 32-4 or something like that and most of the losses were due to me not using the program. I was using Fritz 10. Had a record of about 2000.. it could've easily gone up a lot more. I noticed that Fritz will often give you a move that is really odd & out of place. I'd look at the games database for this position & 90% of players (even GMs) would play another one than what Fritz said to do, even though that was not the best move, statistically, according to Fritz at least.

It's really boring to cheat... when you keep winning it just feels more and more empty. The sense of victory and joy at winning against really good players ends after a short time. It doesn't compare to winning a game when you've used your own mind to beat the other person.

However, the one person to actually beat the program (while playing it at full force & so on) was Darce: He is very good. I wouldn't always follow what the chess program said to do though.. like in the opening. The Najdorf I found was not very respected by Fritz.. it gives white like a 0.60-0.70 point margin of pawn win.