
App and Website-Progress not synced?



I'm using the website as well as the android app with a premium (Platin) subscription.

But it seems as if the App- and the Website-Progress are not synced in any way. Puzzle Ratings and Lesson Progress seems to be independent for every device.

Is there a way to get them syncronized so that I have the same status on every device I use my account on?

S_Haenschen wrote:


I'm using the website as well as the android app with a premium (Platin) subscription.

But it seems as if the App- and the Website-Progress are not synced in any way. Puzzle Ratings and Lesson Progress seems to be independent for every device.

Is there a way to get them syncronized so that I have the same status on every device I use my account on?

Those features are account specific. As long as you're logged in with the same account they will be synched.


That's what I expected, but it simply is not.

My played games are synced and shown on both devices but my tactics rating for example differs (1868 on Android vs. 1723 on PC).

And when I start a Lesson via the "Next Lesson" Button on PC, it is the one I previously completed on mobile. tear

S_Haenschen wrote:

That's what I expected, but it simply is not.

My played games are synced and shown on both devices but my tactics rating for example differs (1868 on Android vs. 1723 on PC).

And when I start a Lesson via the "Next Lesson" Button on PC, it is the one I previously completed on mobile.

The 1868 is your points on the Puzzle Journey feature, not your rating. That feature isn't available on the website yet

If you check your stats on the app you'll see the ratings are the same.

I'm not sure on the Lessons.


Ah, allright. Got that wrong.

Still the problem with the Lessons, but thanks for the first step.


Don't know what changed, but the lessons seem to be synced now.

Sometimes it helps to simply talk about your problems evil



I have the same problem. On the website my puzzles score / rating is 762, in the Android app it's 1395 and it doesn't update the website score when I complete a new daily puzzle.

I tried to clear website & app data and to log in again on both devices but no changes...

hormesiel wrote:


I have the same problem. On the website my puzzles score / rating is 762, in the Android app it's 1395 and it doesn't update the website score when I complete a new daily puzzle.

I tried to clear website & app data and to log in again but no changes...

Your puzzle rating is 762

On the app that 1395 is the Puzzle Points system and isn't your rating but the number of points on the path you have. Currently the Puzzle Points system for the website is only on Beta.