Are Bot's ratings accurate?
My chess coach tells me that most of the bots are 100-150 points lower than shown. The Elo system with is a little different from professional chess systems so it can make you look much better than you are.
I have the same question cuz my rating isn't that much I was able to win a 1200 ranking bot twice without any hints
They are not accurate at all. It's very hard to code a human-like chess engine to play at a certain level.
so I played Wei this morning bot rated 2450, its actually my first win against her, also the first time I wasn't trying to play her in blitz, but I won in 82 moves and it said my estimated performance rating in the game was 3050 versus the Bot estimated rating 2800. Now I really would like to say its because I actually played the game that well, and reviewing it seems like I played reasonably well, but 3050 really how does that translate to my real ELO. It has been 9 years since I played in a real tournament will be heading to one in May and am looking forward to it, but I really do wonder if the game review is giving a fair review or is it unrealistic?
As someone who plays tremendously with bots, I think they are 200 points higher than their actual rating... I have also paired bots with lichess and magnus ages