
Are FIDE Ratings on the profiles verified by


I've seen many players having their FIDE ratings posted in their stats/profile of

This thought came to me when I realized I had won against a few strong players (above FIDE 2000 as listed on their profile). I don't see any chance of 2000+ players losing to a casual, unrated player like me unless they willingly do so. Now the question is : Are their ratings genuine and well-verified by this site or can they write anything on their profile?


Titled players of course have their credentials checked by; as for the rest?  I doubt that there is any verification.  Like you I've seen numerous "dubious" rating claims.  It's like all the kids who put GM in front of their name; they're just having fun.

michaeltakhell wrote:

I've seen many players having their FIDE ratings posted in their stats/profile of

This thought came to me when I realized I had won against a few strong players (above FIDE 2000 as listed on their profile). I don't see any chance of 2000+ players losing to a casual, unrated player like me unless they willingly do so. Now the question is : Are their ratings genuine and well-verified by this site or can they write anything on their profile?


No, it is a free-form field that a member can enter any number they want in it.


Lol like this supposed 2300 that's losing to people rated 600?

