


when will the video get published?

Do Magnus like chicken?

Here's a good question: Why do you put up with this crap?

What was the most stress you have experienced during a chess game?
danielzhukovin wrote:
Richard wrote:

Hey chess fans! We are excited to announce that we’ll be recording some videos with the GOAT Magnus Carlsen very soon, and we want to ask him some great questions straight from you! The community!

Have a question you’ve always wanted answered? Post it here! We’ll be selecting some of the best questions from across and social media to pose to Magnus - no question is off limits!

UPDATE: Thank you very much all for your questions, we really enjoyed reading these. We have selected a number of these questions and will update you here when the video is made available 💪🏻

Could Magnus please compare whether e4, d4 or Nc3 are the best first moves and explain the pros and cons of each one?

Surely you mean Nf3 not Nc3.

playerafar wrote:
danielzhukovin wrote:
Richard wrote:

Hey chess fans! We are excited to announce that we’ll be recording some videos with the GOAT Magnus Carlsen very soon, and we want to ask him some great questions straight from you! The community!

Have a question you’ve always wanted answered? Post it here! We’ll be selecting some of the best questions from across and social media to pose to Magnus - no question is off limits!

UPDATE: Thank you very much all for your questions, we really enjoyed reading these. We have selected a number of these questions and will update you here when the video is made available 💪🏻

Could Magnus please compare whether e4, d4 or Nc3 are the best first moves and explain the pros and cons of each one?

Surely you mean Nf3 not Nc3.

Given recent opening play, he may well have meant Nc3.

DrSpudnik wrote:
playerafar wrote:
danielzhukovin wrote:
Richard wrote:

Hey chess fans! We are excited to announce that we’ll be recording some videos with the GOAT Magnus Carlsen very soon, and we want to ask him some great questions straight from you! The community!

Have a question you’ve always wanted answered? Post it here! We’ll be selecting some of the best questions from across and social media to pose to Magnus - no question is off limits!

UPDATE: Thank you very much all for your questions, we really enjoyed reading these. We have selected a number of these questions and will update you here when the video is made available 💪🏻

Could Magnus please compare whether e4, d4 or Nc3 are the best first moves and explain the pros and cons of each one?

Surely you mean Nf3 not Nc3.

Given recent opening play, he may well have meant Nc3.

Nc3 is not bad.


Are you human?


Will you answer any of these questions?

H9TK wrote:
DrSpudnik wrote:
playerafar wrote:
danielzhukovin wrote:
Richard wrote:

Hey chess fans! We are excited to announce that we’ll be recording some videos with the GOAT Magnus Carlsen very soon, and we want to ask him some great questions straight from you! The community!

Have a question you’ve always wanted answered? Post it here! We’ll be selecting some of the best questions from across and social media to pose to Magnus - no question is off limits!

UPDATE: Thank you very much all for your questions, we really enjoyed reading these. We have selected a number of these questions and will update you here when the video is made available 💪🏻

Could Magnus please compare whether e4, d4 or Nc3 are the best first moves and explain the pros and cons of each one?

Surely you mean Nf3 not Nc3.

Given recent opening play, he may well have meant Nc3.

Nc3 is not bad.

On move 1 of a game? The Van Geet opening?
Nc3 is very seldom played on move 1.
It doesn't lose. It counts as a move.
But so does b3 on move 1 - intending Bb2. The Larsen opening.
1) Nc3 is an attempt at transposition perhaps.
Nc3 would appear to work better Later in the game. Something like f4 does.
Example: e4 c5 Nc3. Closed Sicilian.
Or: e4 c5 d3 Nc6 Nc3. Which is apparently Closed Sicilian also.
Or: e4 e5 Nc3. The Vienna game.
Part of the point: - by delaying Nf3 white is reserving the option of playing f4 instead - before Nf3.
Apparently - the closed Sicilian is much easier for white to play and to learn about than the open Sicilian. And the Vienna seems to have advantages over the King's Gambit e4 e5 f4.
Why do they call it 'closed Sicilian'?
It appparently is not the same reason as why e4 e5 is called an Open game and d4 d5 is called a Closed game.
Those terms there apparently refer to bishop/queen diagonals into the f2 and f7 squares? Even though there's 26 diagonals on the board.
In other words - after e4 e5 its then too late to have the options e3 and e6 - blocking and defending those diagonals.
Is that right? Hey maybe its not.
But in Open Sicilian - its e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4.
This means that the d-file is half-open for white and the c-file is half-open for black.
(a fully open file has no pawns on it - with half-open files there is only one pawn for the other side. A closed file has a pawn for each side on it.)
So maybe that business of both the d and c files remaining completely closed is one of the reasons that closed Sicilian is much easier to play for white?
Is that why they call it Closed Sicilian?
Because those two files stay completely closed up for now?
I'm not so claiming ...
Hey - Magnus could be asked ... happy


Do you wipe when you loose? official profile , browser history and cache?


ok, dis you ever has night mares about loosing?


wether is cheated or not.


simploid question , no?

unitedmonkeys wrote:

bro does not know grammar basics lol

And that make's you a?


want united monkey's? I'll introduce ya profile to Monkey Sec, poor one.


Grammar basics lol, who cares bout that? did u ever breached a line with grammar. Poor boy?


wait, I challenge in VS codium on all codes to see who fails 1st > so go with the wind pooor boy.

unitedmonkeys wrote:

bro does not know grammar basics lol

You ready, intellect let's start python. Poor boy.

Also, before call me bro prove it.

C.mon "bro" 1 single line of bash like sudo -rm -rf /

I know you gonna come up after hours with a google search answer.


Do you play hard.