
Average rating for children that are about 12 yrs old


Hello everybody, im 12 and im wondering what is the average rating for a kid, 8 - 12 in range?


I'd guess it's a little lower than that. There's also probabaly quite a large difference between 8 an 12 year olds


Stay in school kid lol


@kenpo: Trust, me it would be much lower than that.

Adults with no training would be lower, too. But on the average, adults may have longer attention spans and developed learnings skills to pick up the game faster than kids.

With training, the rating of a kid could be pretty high. Magnus Carlsen is the most prominent example.


@Changdu: I am in school.

@Bartleby73: I have training, i want to be as good a Magnus Carlsen, but i doubt i will


Good luck, Crypticplague. I get the impression you are already pretty good. I hope you don't forget about other aspects of life and school trying to be as good as Magnus.


thankyou very much!


Like everything else it depends on how much time is devoted to the game.


It's not uncommon to see 12 year olds who are rated either 600 or 1600.


If you enjoy playing just keep working at it and you will continue to improve.  The most important thing you can learn is HOW to study, because that will help you not only with chess but also in school and with life in general.


I know that when I was your age I considered "studying" to be flipping through a book on chess and just reading the words without playing through the lines, or maybe just playing over the first few moves of a game and none of the annotations.  It was a total waste of time and I learned nothing.

It took me until I was an adult to learn that you get more out of spending two hours going over one annotated game slowly and carefully and trying to understand each move than you do from quickly going through a few games and not understanding them.


Good luck to you!


i am 13 otb 1469 but i guess i am higher than that (about 1650)

I believe that kids tend to do better at tactics (TT 1800)

AKJett wrote:

i am 13 otb 1469 but i guess i am higher than that (about 1650)

I believe that kids tend to do better at tactics (TT 1800)

uscf or fide


Just turned 13 but as a 12 year old I had a 2000 elo in chess, so this is pretty accurate.

CanadianBallMapper wrote:

I'm 12 and my rating on my main account is 1227. Is that good or is it not enough?

It depends, but I would be pretty frustrated ngl


Depends on when you started playing and how much you put into it.

randomchessguy52 wrote:

im 12 and a half but im 1301 classical

whats rating inflation in slovenia?


wait so what is that rating then


i dont mean u


@randomchessguy52 what is the 1301 classical rating if not uscf or fide


when i was 12 my rating was 3201


i beat stockfish every time

Truckman87 wrote:

yeah right 8 year old. No one can beat stockfish