Since now on the greatest chess genius Bobby Fischer is out of criticism and suspicions. May his game with God end in draw in all other ways too.
Bobby's legend and mastery of chess will live on through us... well maybe not me but you other guys/gals who are good at chess.
His bio (obituary) here " target="_blank">
The man was an absolute psycho. For all of you who are truly upset than u must have no idea what kind of man he was. Besides being a genius he was also an anti semitic American who hated his country as much as his people ( He was a jew ). I say the world is better off without him!
The man was an absolute psycho. For all of you who are truly upset than u must have no idea what kind of man he was. Besides being a genius he was also an anti semitic American who hated his country as much as his people ( He was a jew ). I say the world is better off without him!
The problem being that, no matter if you don't like it, even "an absolute psicho...antisemitic americam who hated his country" can be a genius, and a artist, as indeed he was.
The entire chess world has suffered a great loss with the death of Bobby Fischer, he was the greatest player to ever live and we will never see anyone like him again. May he rest in peace