
Can i be a titled player?


I'm 1900 rapid here on and 1800 uscf and ten years old. do you think I could be a gm or at least a titled player?


Titled played definately, GM will be a bit hard but i think it is do-able


titled player ofc u will Id just be disappointed if u dont... GM is possible but not so easy but @Chess_Player_lol said it all

Priyansh_2011 wrote:

I'm 1900 rapid here on and 1800 uscf and ten years old. do you think I could be a gm or at least a titled player?

you have to pursue it and it won't be easy, but I think you'll get NM. GM will be a lot more challenging.

Priyansh_2011 wrote:

I'm 1900 rapid here on and 1800 uscf and ten years old. do you think I could be a gm or at least a titled player?

I'd expect NM in 2 years if you actually take chess seriously, and I think you'll eventually be a GM considering you're only 10


а на русском можно пожалуйста?





It all depends how hard you are willing to work at it. Ive known a lot of 1800sh scholastic players over the years. Not too many ever got a title. Many devote their energy to other things after they graduate high school. Even for those who continue to work on it, its not easy. Back in the day I knew a 2100 player who scored a draw against a GM  once but never achieved a title himself. I think though since you achieved 1800 by age 10, the chances are good you can achieve a title, if you decide its worth the effort to pursue one.


I don't no how to play chess and ken sam wan help me?



well yes you CAN...


of course it is entirely possible. that rating would put you in about the top 50 in your age group in the country. Tani was number one in that age group and was 2200 uscf at age 10 so you are not at the very top but nm should not be a huge challenge. gm would be a much greater commitment and might require foregoing college which is a decision most are not willing to make


why are you repeating the same thing in russian nickolay. the boy is american and with a name like priyansh probably of south asian heritage. the north korea flag is obviously something he finds funny


What is the purpose of getting a title?. Will he coach other students and shate his knowledge. If you are not famous, i don't think you earn that much money(i maybe wrong here). For me if i get a title, i don't see much except for a brag(i have little knowledge here). 


it looks really fantastic on a college application


I imagine it would make ones chess life more interesting. You might be able to play in some invitational master events or possibly qualify for a national championship event and play some of the best players in the world in classical time controls.


Ask your father to buy you Chessbase Premium. With long hours hard work, it will help you achieve your goals.

goldenbuzzer wrote:
Priyansh_2011 wrote:

I'm 1900 rapid here on and 1800 uscf and ten years old. do you think I could be a gm or at least a titled player?

I'd expect NM in 2 years if you actually take chess seriously, and I think you'll eventually be a GM considering you're only 10

Fm predicts future


Well you are now titled