can I start as 16
Hi, I'm not an IM, but I have gained 1800 rating in a year, so I can help that far. Do a lot of puzzles, if you don't have membership download CHESS TACTICS PRO, a free puzzle app. Analyze your games, win or lose, see where you went wrong and how to fix it in games you lost and in games you won see what you could've done better. Play regularly. You don't need to play a ton, but a couple good games and analysis and puzzles a day will help a lot. Don't worry about rating, worry about doing your best, if you worry about rating it can be very discouraging. It is possible to be GM, just don't count on it. Expect to make it, play for fun. That's all I know! Hope it helps
Are you playing OTB? If so, what is your rating there? That is real chess. Online ratings are very inflated compared to OTB.
i know of one player who started competitive chess as a 15-year-old and who became an IM. He was a CM after two years and a NM in three years.
So, it is possible.
But if your goal is to reach a FIDE title, don’t worry about online ratings. Get to a OTB club, play slow time controls, and learn from the strong local players.
only learn basic end games, opening principles, and tactics. Don't overboard on the tactics, have a balance. That can get you alone to 1300. when you're there, delve deeper in positional stuff. Also ik what number 3 said abt Gotham, but try to not watch a lot. It's good for entertainment but mediocre for improvement