
Can you help me to get passports?

Please if you see I don’t have passport from Your country play with me! My goal is 150 passports.
GeoSzach wrote:
Please if you see I don’t have passport from Your country play with me! My goal is 150 passports.

You have 96. That's not bad.

The best strategy to get more countries stamped in your passport is to play more games.

To me, my passport just reminds me how I am engaging in a game that is popular across the world.

At any rate, here is the link to your passport:

If you want more stamps, then you should go through the list and see which ones you are missing.

Make a list of the ones you need.

And then, don't post it here expecting people from those countries to find you.

You have to go find them.

You could join clubs from those countries , for example.


Here are a few tips to get passports (that I have learned through trial and error) from best to worst:

1. Members: Go to Social -> Members and you can search for people from any country

2. Open Challenges: In the play tab, click "Custom" and go to Open Challenges. There, you have to wait for a new country and then you can accept the challenge.

3. Tournaments: Go to a tournament and search for people until you find a new country.

4. Leaderboard: You can search for the top people from any country although I admit this is not that helpful.

5. Random Playing: Play against a random person and hope for the best!


Clubs: You can search for clubs of a country and find people who are willing to play.


by the way i have 227 passports


Where is Social? I don't see the link...