
Check, Capture , and Attack

I want to pose a question. Is it a good strategy to follow the check , capture , and attack method when deciding to how to make your next move? What other strategies or thought processes should go through one’s head before making a move?

What do you mean by this? As in always look for those moves first? To that question - yes. Live by that and you won't miss many wins 


A vast amount has been written about this. Good references for beginners are the writings of Dan Heisman (for example: lots of this is behind a paywall, tho) and The Amateur's Mind by Silman.

A few positional things to consider:

  • Making your pieces more active
  • Improving your pawn structure or weakening your opponent's (e.g., creating or preventing doubled pawns, isolated pawns, and passed pawns)
  • Creating and controlling open files for your rooks and queen
  • Trading a knight for a bishop (or vise-versa, depending on the position)
  • Preventing your opponent from castling 


One thing I have been trying to add to my thought process lately…. when you are contemplating moving a piece pay attention to what it will no longer be doing when you move it. It is easy to overlook this. Everyone sees what the piece will be doing that’s new.
Ubik42 wrote:
One thing I have been trying to add to my thought process lately…. when you are contemplating moving a piece pay attention to what it will no longer be doing when you move it. It is easy to overlook this. Everyone sees what the piece will be doing that’s new.

Ah man! I can’t even remember the check, capture, threaten mantra. Now this too? 🤣 I’m gonna try it out though. Thanks.

alvarezlvn86 wrote:
I want to pose a question. Is it a good strategy to follow the check , capture , and attack method when deciding to how to make your next move? What other strategies or thought processes should go through one’s head before making a move?

I tend to find my moves backwards.

That is, instead of (or perhaps, in addition to) looking at what I can do, I try to visualize the end goal: what position or arrangement of pieces do I WANT to have? 

Then I try to "draw a straight line" between my current position and the desired position, and with that guideline in mind I start looking for a few candidate-moves to analyze.

The "I-go-here, he-goes-there" stuff tends to happen LAST.

Did you want me to post a sample game?

Yes. Anything to help change my faulty thought process

Here's a game where I found the correct piece maneuver by working backwards from the goal rather than working forward from the current position:




can someone show how to use the cca method in a chess game? Idk I just forget about it in games and play some random move shock


i play a random movve bruh i just forget about cca


i like to have a random wheel pick my piece, a random wheel pick the letter a-h, and a random wheel pick number 1-8. Works pretty well