
Chess: 5334 Problems, Combinations, and Games


Yes this book has been mentioned many times on this forum.  Written by Laszlo Polgar.  I purchased the book yesterday after browsing many books at the book store.  I knew it was suppose to be good so I bought it.  I'm goin through it now and I just think it's so great!  Mates in one,two and three, from easy to more difficult and the visualizing practise for me makes this the perfect book when I am away from the computer.  


I have it too, my favorite section is the quick games and combinations section.

Also note that the 5334th puzzle doesn't have a solution in the book


Can someone explain to me the 600 miniature games.  They are structured by combinations and I'm just trying to understand if these are just games so I can look at to better understand the game.  What exactly am I looking for in these games ?  


After actually following the first game, I realized the idea behind the combination for example of f6.  So now I get it.  I guess I should of followed a game or two before actually posting lol.

rockpeter wrote:

Yes this book has been mentioned many times on this forum.  Written by Laszlo Polgar.  I purchased the book yesterday after browsing many books at the book store.  I knew it was suppose to be good so I bought it.  I'm goin through it now and I just think it's so great!  Mates in one,two and three, from easy to more difficult and the visualizing practise for me makes this the perfect book when I am away from the computer.  


Or when you are at your computer:


The hardcover will build up your biceps and triceps...



Is there a difference between (1) practicing with this book and (2) practicing with the tactical mode proposed by thank you for your reply

It is a good book

Yes, but is it different from practicing with online tactical mode?

i'm sure there are more tech savvy people who use tactics trainers and the enhanced modes (website vs app) with a traditional otb setup

i use tactics trainer/ on app only

i use my chess books with a real board and work things out the caveman way- thumbs holding my place in the book, setup book positions on board, pad and pencil to take notes, and mull over things

each method- "old school" and "new school" have their benefits and complement each other well

in other words, using both is more beneficial than one or the other
Akarum wrote:


Is there a difference between (1) practicing with this book and (2) practicing with the tactical mode proposed by thank you for your reply


The book is mainly just mate exercises. In the mate in 2 puzzles, the first move is always the same but you need to be able to see that all replies still end in mate; so they are usually more complex mates than what might be on the site. The bulk of the puzzles are these.


I'm assuming the mate in 3 puzzles are similar where there will be multiple lines, after the first move, and will really take a lot of calculation to find all the valid lines.


Thank you!

The mate in 2's are divided by the standard middle-game attacking checkmates and the more difficult composed mates, where the first move is a "quiet" move (except that it threatens mate) and you have dozens of options.

I got this from the library, and it's HUGE!!! But it will help you a lot to become a grandmaster.


i have it in large version and in pocket version . . .

Got them years ago  . . .


I dont have the book, but my dad gives me the sheets and i do it. right now i did 2243 puzzles


I also have this book.

dannyhume wrote:
The mate in 2's are divided by the standard middle-game attacking checkmates and the more difficult composed mates, where the first move is a "quiet" move (except that it threatens mate) and you have dozens of options.


Here’s a sample of some of these mate in twos that start with a quiet move. I do not find these easy.



Yeah, those compositions are intentionally more difficult … Convekta’s CD course entitled “Mate Studies” rates the mate-in-2’s at 1750 and mate-in-3’s at 2050. 


I just got it from a friend and it’s amazing! 
Can anybody give some advice on how frequently I should do the puzzles? And is there an average time per puzzle? thank you